

Ecological Scars of Plantation Slavery

The Ecological Scars of Plantation Slavery Initiative is the first coordinated research effort to characterize the long-term ecological and climate impacts of colonial plantations and slavery on soils and forests in the Caribbean and througout the Americas.


Liberation Ecology Field Course

Through its Liberation Ecology Field Course, CEL readies the next generation of environmental professionals to pursue ecological truth telling and respond boldly to planetary and humanitarian crisis.


Eco Afro Futures Initiative

In order to take science out of the lab and into the imaginations of historically marginalized communities, CEL hosts the Eco Afro Futures Initiative— a series of free community events across the US where local environmental scientists, environmental justice activists, designers, educators, students, and other leaders are inspired and connect to build our future.


Student Research Collaborations

Graduate and undergradaute students work with CEL and their degree-granting institutions to integrate critical ecology frameworks into their theses and dissertations. These collaborations deepen our knowledge and practice and connect students to unique resources.


Green Modernism

CEl’s founder, Dr. Suzanne Pierre collaborated with Museum Ludwig in Cologne, Germany on Green Modernism, an art exhibition that explores the social and political influences shaping the role of plants in 20th century Western European arts and culture.


New Science: The Academy Exhibit

New Science, a museum exhibit at the California Academy of Sciences, was co-created by CEL and Academy scientists to showcase the experiences, perspectives, and new directions of queer and BIPOC scientists around the world.