The Center for Diverse Leadership in Science at UCLA Presents: A Discussion with Critical Ecology Lab’s Suzanne Pierre & Em Whalen

Dr. Suzanne Pierre (Founder & Director, Critical Ecology Lab) and Dr. Em Whalen (Postdoctoral Researcher, CEL) discussed their work as part of the Critical Ecology Lab, and the organization’s mission more broadly at lunch with UCLA participants of the Center for Diverse Leadership in Science.

After finishing their PhDs in ecology and environmental science, they both sought alternative pathways outside of academia to continue their research and education work– in a context that recognized the pressing (& intertwined) social and environmental crises we face today. 

During this lunch, we explored the following themes, ending with a Q&A based on the group’s interests:

  • Pathways for environmental science research outside academia and industry

  • Connections between social theory, environmental justice, and quantitative science

  • Reframing the origins of our present environmental crises to rethink solutions 

If you have the time and interest, we invite you to read the following short articles and excerpts framing our discussion, to provide context for independent conversation:

About the Center for Diverse Leadership in Science

An initiative to promote diversity and inclusion in science, the Center for Diverse Leadership in Science (CDLS) serves as a model for the nation and the world. It has four primary objectives:

  1. Invest in Student Scientific Retention

  2. Belonging: Reduce Isolation and Provide Mentorship

  3. Give Back Through Programs of Outreach

  4. Active Learning: Develop Collaborative Research & Teaching Environments

“We create opportunities for underrepresented people to gain education and experience that empower them to become the leaders we need now and in the future, and to address problems in their communities.”

– Aradhna Tripati, Professor, Center for Diverse Leadership in Science Director & Primary Investigator


Sacha Medjo-Akono

Assistant Lab Manager, Critical Ecology Lab


Critical Ecology Lab presents the Eco-Afro Futures summit! A Community Activation Event


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